Creating a Safe Digital Space for Children in the 21st Century

15.02.24 07:23 PM Comment(s) By Dennis Gitonga

Empowering Parents: Navigating Digital Safety for Children in the 21st Century

We can no longer shield our children from the influence of technology. It's unrealistic to believe that imposing strict rules and denying them internet access will protect them from digital threats. Such measures might have worked in the past when the internet was less pervasive, but today, technology is ubiquitous and irresistible. It's no longer a luxury but a necessity, readily available and affordable. Denying your children access to the internet does not guarantee their online safety. They will still find ways to access the internet through connecting with friends. Our digital space can be compared to a fable, much like how cautious we are about sending children to the store at night, while feeling comfortable sending them during the day. Just as we exercise caution and concern in the physical world, there's a parallel in the digital realm where certain aspects may seem safer or riskier depending on the circumstances.

Rather than keeping the internet away from the children, it's best to consider bringing it to them. Denying them access might make it challenging for them to navigate the contemporary world. What we need to come up with is a way of ensuring that our children are safe while they benefit through the digital space. We need to bring all stakeholders on board. All parties responsible for availing digital access to the children should take responsibility for implementing strategies geared towards their online safety. 

The most important category of stakeholders that needs to be brought on board is the parents. First, we need to enlighten the parents why technology access is very important to their children. The Internet provides children with access to a vast amount of information and resources, as well as opportunities for education, communication, socialization, and entertainment. However, it also exposes them to potential risks such as cyber-bullying, online predators, and inappropriate content. To get a clear picture of these threats, let us look at the following statistics availed by the Communications Authority of Kenya (CA):

  • 89% of sexual solicitations are made in social media chat rooms or instant Messaging (IM).

  • 75% of youth who receive sexual solicitations are unlikely to tell a parent or guardian.

  • Statistics show that as many as 1 in 5 children aged 10-17 have been solicited sexually online.

  • Statistics suggest that as much as 45% of children aged 10-17 have been asked for personal information by someone they don’t know.

  • Cyber-bullying can also occur over text messages.

This is the reality that we cannot run away from. The good thing is that as parents we have the upper hand. Now that we know what we are dealing with, we can implement measures to counter all these threats.  We recommend the following tips given by the  Communications Authority of Kenya (CA), which seems to agree with our research, to the parents:

  • Start teaching them at an early age. When they begin showing interest in using the internet and internet-enabled devices, this is your chance to begin teaching them how to use them safely. Remember, you and other members of your immediate family have the best opportunity to guide them.

  • Set clear expectations of how they should behave online and how important their online reputation is (because this could come back to either help them or haunt them later in life).

  • Set clear boundaries and educate them about;

  1.  The types of content that are unsuitable for them

  2. The consequences and dangers of cyber-bullying, hate speech, and harassment

  3. The dangers of sharing personal and intimate information online and the legal consequences of sharing others’ information.

  • Always be aware of what your kids are doing. One way to do this is to designate a safe and comfortable area in your house for online activity. This can help your kids feel safe because they can easily reach out but are independent enough to explore the internet without feeling overly monitored.

  • Try to keep an open and honest environment. Let your kids know that they can come to you with any questions and concerns about their online experience without any judgement on your part.

  • Consider installing parental locks on common devices and certain websites.

  • Protect your children’s information and teach them how to do the same

  • Teach them how to set their privacy settings online and not to overshare their information.

  • Ensure that all of your devices are updated with the latest in security, antivirus, and anti-malware software.

  • Create fun learning sessions where your kids can learn general cybersecurity terms, what they mean, and how to recognize them.

With all this information, we just need a responsible party to take it to the parents? Here at EDCET, it is our responsibility to oversee this happen. EDCET has a vision that clearly states,  “We envision a future where the young people we impact become global leaders in technology and bring forth innovative global solutions to global challenges that transform lives and make the world a better place”

In partnership with school institutions and like-minded institutions, we provide skills, tools, and opportunities for quality education to help equip children and youth with 21st-century skills. We are developing young minds to be Global leaders in technology. Our integrated approach takes advantage of the New competency-based curriculum to teach applicable digital skills at any age and within the available provided learning timelines..

In our endeavors, ensuring the safety of children in the digital realm remains our foremost priority. We have already instituted safety measures and wish to underscore our ongoing dedication to their effective implementation. Prior to the introduction of digital education in schools, we normally take a pivotal step by educating parents about its implementation. It's worth noting that we have provided partner schools with access to the digital curriculum through our offline servers. In that case, we have eliminated threats posed by the internet.  This also ensures that even when learners' technological resources are offline, they still have access to the learning content. 

Collaborating closely with our partners, we are committed to mitigating potential digital threats that could jeopardize the well-being of children.In programs utilizing online support, where children access educational content online, we meticulously safeguard their online experience. We have implemented parental controls and maintain regular communication with parents. Our dedicated staff, responsible for program facilitation, ensures proper guidance for the learners, taking into account the importance of providing age-appropriate resources to ensure their relevance.

EDCET aspires to cultivate future global leaders by leveraging technology. Our goal is to empower the younger generation with the knowledge needed to adeptly and efficiently solve future challenges. Acknowledging the potential challenges associated with the internet, as discussed earlier, we are steadfast in our commitment to guarantee online safety for children. Through strategic partnerships, we collaborate effectively to implement robust online safety measures. Continuous research is integral to our approach, ensuring that the digital education we deliver not only meets but exceeds standards, providing a completely secure learning environment.

Dennis Gitonga

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